Currently known as QuickBooks Commerce, TradeGecko is an inventory management software solution catering to SMEs. From growing the brand to sunset and everything in between: Here are some of the selected work I was responsible for at the company.
Approaches, Methodologies & Outcomes
For in-depth case studies, kindly drop me an email :)
Brand and Marketing
Guidelines, campaigns & the wonderful world of emails.
Ungating Gated Resources
“Joyce, we need to drive traffic for Multichannel Sales.”
Navigation Revamp
It was time.
Swag, Events, & other Fun Things
i.e bribery requirements for Zoom event attendance.
Sunset Guide
My role in design and information architecture as we support our customers through the sunsetting of TradeGecko.
Trada B2B Market (US)
(Coming Soon) A complete redesign of a wholesale marketplace for independent businesses based in the United States.